Beverly Hills, Weezer (tablatura)

Autor: clanik2 | 46270 visualizaciones

Beverly Hills


 |--------3-3---------3-3---------3-3---5-5------| X2

Where I come from isn't all that great
My automobile is a piece of crap
My fashion sense is a little whack
And my friends are just as screwy as me


I didn't go to boarding schools
Preppie girls never looked at me
Why should they?
I ain't nobody
Got nothing in my pocket


Beverly Hills
That's where I want to be!
Livin' in Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills
Rolling like a celebrity!
Livin' in Beverly Hills

*En esta parte de la cancion solo va la bateria y la voz!

Look at all those movie stars
They're so beautiful and clean
When their housemaids scrub the floors
They get the spaces in between

I wanna live a life like that
I wanna be just like a king
Take my picture by the pool
'cause I'm the next big thing!


Beverly Hills
That's where I wanna be!
Livin' in Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills
Rolling like a celebrity!
Livin' in Beverly Hills



*Mientras se toca el solo lo mismo de la introduccion suena.

*En esta estrofa de la cancion va con arpegio.

The truth is I don't stand a chance
It's something that you're born into
And I just don't belong

*En esta parte de la cancion tambien solo la bateria y la voz

No I don't
I'm just a no-class beat down fool
And I will always be that way
I might as well enjoy my life
And watch the stars play


Beverly Hills
That's where I want to be
Livin' in Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills
Rolling like a celebrity
Livin' in Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills
Livin' in Beverly Hills

*Nota: Si pueden agregarle una distorcion mucho mejor asi le daran a la cancion su sonido original.

*Bueno ahi se las dejo para que la disfruten!!

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