Nameless One, Volbeat (acordes)

Autor: rockerbeer | 17725 visualizaciones


Intro: Mim-Sol

Mim                            [Mim-Sol-Mim]
Wake up baby and taste the dirt 
we're six feet under and still in love 
the day has come 
               Re                       [Mim-Sol-Mim]x2
we belong with the living dead of the night 
Mim                             [Mim-Sol-Mim]  
Hear the outlaw ghoul and his cane 
crashing our casket to find his way 
the day has come 
               Re                       [Mim-Sol-Mim]
we belong with the living dead of the night 

Do            Re
Hold on to me baby 
           Sol                  Mim
his bony hands will Do you no harm 
Do              Re                Sol                  Mim
it said in the cards we lost our soul to the nameless one 

The outlaw ghoul: 

wake up my darling your time is up 
follow my riders into the dark 
the day has come 
we belong with the living dead of the night 

The outlaw ghoul: 

long time ago 
you called upon the tombstones 
gambling with your soul for nothing 
and now you're walking through the valley of the death 
but see how beautiful you are 
skinny blue and grey in love 
you'll walk among the outlaw bandits 
until you meet the nameless one 

Re                   Sol 
The day has finally come

Comentarios del colaborador: espero que les sirva como base de la canción, pueden ir agregando cosas como los punteos y demases. los parentesis no son obligación que los hagan, pero le da un toque más verdadero de la canción. saludos amigos de parte de su amigo roberto matus.

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Aviso: Este fichero es trabajo propio de su transcriptor y representa su interpretación personal de la canción. El material contenido en esta página es para exclusivo uso privado, por lo que se prohibe su reproducción o retransmisión, así como su uso para fines comerciales.
Más versiones de Nameless One, Volbeat
Nameless One
Nameless One
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