I'm On My Way, The Proclaimers (acordes)

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Tono: G
I'm on my way from misery to happiness today  
I'm on my way from misery to happiness today  
G                C                D    C 
I'm on my way to what i want from this world  
G                         C              D    C 
and years from now you'll make it to the next world  
G                   C              D   C 
and everything that you recieve of yonder  
G                   D 
is what you gave to me the day i wandered 

C            D               G 
and now that i dont want for anything  
C           D               G                     D 
i'd have Al Jolson sing 'im sitting on top of the world'

Comentarios del colaborador: visiten mi canal de youtube http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxl4VbiFJffwY_eiVDx36Jw

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