California Dreamin, The Mamas And Papas (acordes)

Autor: masterflamotas_m4s_freg00n | 26701 visualizaciones

I know this might be hard to read because of the canon but by listening to the track hopefully you can understand it!
Any comments, tips, abuse, hate mail.....

(Dm)     [000231]
(Bb)     [xx3331]
(A7sus4) [002030]
(C)      [032010]
(A7)     [002020]
(F)      [133211]
(Gm6)    [020030]



Then strum (A7sus4)

[(Dm)]All the [(C)]leaves are brown[(Bb)]

and the [(C)]sky is grey [(A7sus4)] and the sky is grey[(A7)]

[(Bb)] Ive been for a.. [(F)] ive been [(A7)] for (A) walk

[(Dm)] on (A) [(Bb)]winters day  [A] on (A) [(Gm6)]winters day [(A7)]

Id been safe and..[(Dm)] Id be [(C)] safe and warm[(Bb)]

If I [(C)]was in (La) [(A7sus4)] If i was in (La) 

[(A7)] Calfornia.. [(Dm)] Cal-i-[(C)]for-nia dream-[(Bb)]-in

on [(C)]  such (A) winters [(A7sus4)]daaaay

Stopped into (A) [(Dm)] church [(C)]

[(Bb)] I passed a-[(C)]long the [(A7sus4)]way

[(A7)] Oh, I [(Bb)] got down on my [(F)] knees  [(A7)]

[(Dm)] And I pre[(Bb)]tended to pray [A9sus4]

[(A7)] You know the Preeacher likes the [(Dm)] cold [c]

[(Bb)] He knows [(C)] Im gonna [(A7sus4)] stay  [(A7)]

California [(Dm)]dreamin  [(C)]  [(Bb)]

on[(C)]such (A) winters [(A7sus4)] day

Middle 8: (Dm) [for 3 bars] (Bb) (F) (A7) (Dm) (Bb) (A7sus4)

Verse 2:
All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey
Ive been for a walk on such a winters day 
If i didnt tell her I could leave today

Finish the repeated "california dreamin on such (A) winters day with: (Dm) (C) (Bb) (C) [x2] Bbmaj7 [daaaay

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