Ain´t She Sweet, The Beatles (acordes)

Autor: Santyand | 38879 visualizaciones


 Intro:} Mi7 
   La       Sim    Mi 
Oh ain't she sweet, 
  	      La       Sim           Mi 
Well see her walking down that street 
    Re     Mi           Fa#m                  
Yes I ask you very confidentially: 
  Re    Mi  La 
Ain't she sweet? 
Oh ain't she nice, 
Well look her over once or twice 
Yes I ask you very confidentially: 
Ain't she nice? 
La     La7    Re	        La 
Just cast an eye in her direction 
	    Si7             Mi 
Oh me oh my, ain't that perfection? 
Oh I repeat 
Well don't you think that's kind of neat? 
Yes I ask you very confidentially: 
Ain't she sweet? 
Oh ain't that nice, 
Well look it over once or twice 
Yes I ask you very confidentially: 
Ain't she nice? 

Últimas Correcciones:gee-w [11/15/2006]gee-w [11/10/2006] 

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