No Duermas Más, Sumo (acordes)

Autor: Anónimo | 32427 visualizaciones


A-D   Durante toda La cancion

Ooh!!!... in the morning yeah
Ooh!!!... without warning yeah

I've got a big bamboo yeah

Up there in Yapeyu

I've got a big Nandu

And he runs 'round the pampa

And he runs 'round my house

And he drives me crazy

And he bites my brown cow, now

And you know she's so lazy

But... Ooh!... in the morning

Ooh!... without warning

You know I reallylove you

You know I really really need you

But I'm so confined now

I can't feed you

I can't even read you

But I really,really love you

I'd like to buy a little bike,now

and drive over and see you


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