Don't You Ever Forget About Me, Sleeping With Sirens (acordes)

Autor: xxmirionxx | 17321 visualizaciones


G D Em C

G                                D                                     
The hardest thing I'd ever do is say goodbye 
and walk slowly away from you,
But I'll do it.
And after all this time I shared with you,
it seems unfair to leave with nothing more
     Em                     C
than blank stares, but I'll Do it.
If it's for the best then I wish you well,
      D                                  Em
if it helps to say our life was a living hell, 
well then do it, then do it, then do it.

G                          D
Don't you ever forget about me,
When you toss and turn in your sleep,
I hope it's because you can't stop thinking about
    Am              C
the reasons why you close your eyes,
  G                    D
I haunt your dreams at night,
       G                         D
So you can't stop thinking about me,
                          Em       C  
don't stop thinking about me.

G D Em C

Do you really think you could see this through,
    D                                   Em
put on a smile, and wear it for someone new?
Don't you do it.
G                                       D
Cause I know I'm not the easiest one to love,
                  Em                  C
but every ounce I have, I'd invest in you.
Am[hold]                          C[hold]
No one said love's not for taking chances.

         G                    D
So don't you ever forget about me,
when you toss and turn in your sleep,
I hope it's because you can't stop thinking about
    Am              C
the reasons why you close your eyes,
  G                    D
I haunt your dreams at night.
            G                        D
It's so you can't stop thinking about me,
don't stop thinking about me.
Will you take me back in the morning,
     G                             D
If i promise to never act this way again?
Am                         C
 Cause I'm so bad at being lonely,
                 G                 D
but I don't know how, I don't know how.
         G[hold]              D[hold]
So don't you ever forget about me,
      G[hold]              D[hold]
don't you ever forget about me.

G                          D
Don't you ever forget about me,
when you toss and turn in your sleep, 
I hope it's because you can't stop thinking about
    Am              C
the reasons why you close your eyes,
  G                    D
I haunt your dreams at night.
            G                        D
It's so you can't stop thinking about me,
don't stop thinking about me.
                C                    G
Just close your eyes and fall asleep tonight.

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