Dreamers (acustica), Savoir Adore (acordes)

Autor: franki9524 | 21645 visualizaciones

AUTOR:   Savoir Adore                          ÁLBUM:OurNature
AÑO:2012       COMPOSITOR:Paul Hammer y Deirdre Muro 
Por Franklin P.
Email por si alguna duda franki.p199524@gmail.com
Esta una versión acústica de Dreamers puede ser acompañada por la guitarra eléctrica como en este video:
En algunas partes pone acordes 7° pero son fáciles  
La afinación es estándar: eBGDAE
Esta canción esta por (Cm)
(Fm)        (Cm)        Ab   	Eb	Bb
(E) |-8-------|-3-------|-4-------|-6-------|-6------|
(B) |-8---9---|-3---4---|-4-------|-6---8---|-6------|
(G) |-8---10--|-3---5---|-4---5---|-6---8---|-6---7--|
(D) |-8---10--|-3---5---|-4---6---|-6---8---|-6---8--|
A |-8-------|-3-------|-4---6---|-6-------|-6---8--|
(E) |---------|---------|-4-------|---------|-6------|
Nota: Si se complican los acordes pueden poner un puente en el 3er traste entonces las notas serian estas 
[(Fm)]    con el Puente seria     (Dm)                      
[(Cm)]   con el Puente seria     (Am)
[Ab]    con el Puente seria     (F)
[(Eb)]    con el Puente seria     (C)
[(Bb)]    con el Puente seria     (G)
1° Estrofa
Won't you come here?
              (Eb)                    (Bb)        (Fm)
You know the way, it's the one you made.    Oh oh
                (Eb)                        (Bb)
Built it in the sky, all that's in your eye
(Bb)            Ab
Now not the same.
                  (Eb)                  (Bb)      (Bb)
Watch it tumble down, falling all around....around
Can you stand
              (Eb)                   (Bb)
Watching it undo all that's made of you?


You can stay where you are.
I will wake you, I will wake you
           (Eb)               (Cm)
In the morning. In the morning
You can stay where you are
So don't you worry.
            (Eb)                (Bb)
Don't you worry, keep on sleeping. 

D|-------------------------|  X2

2° Estrofa

(Fm)                         (Eb)
Now you see: what you thought was yours could never be 
(Bb)       (Fm)
Had    oh oh
               (Eb)                  (Bb)
Take a look around, try to understand that
         Ab              (Eb)                 (Bb)       (Bb)
It's a game that you'll never hold onto very long  long

         Ab                  (Eb)
Where we are isn't just a place where everything 

You can stay where you are.
I will wake you, I will wake you

           (Eb)                (Cm)
In the morning. In the morning
You can stay where you are
So don't you worry.
             (Eb)                (Bb)
Don't you worry, keep on sleeping.


(Fm)                      (Eb)
You can stay where you are.

(Bb)                      (Fm)
You can stay where you are.
(Eb)                      (Bb)
You can stay where you are.
(Fm)                      (Eb)
You can stay where you are.
(Bb)                      (Fm)
You can stay where you are.
(Eb)                      (Bb)
You can stay where you are.

Solo:Ab   (Eb)   (Bb)


1° Voz [Paul]

Now not the same.
(Eb)                            (Bb)
Watch it tumble down, falling all around.
Can you stand
(Eb)                                 (Bb)
Watching it undo all that's made of you?
2° Voz [Deidre]

//I will wake you, I will wake you
In the mooooooooorning
So don't you worry.
Don't you worry, keep on sleeping.//


Comentarios del colaborador: Miren el vídeo y verán que suena muy bien con ambas guitarras y con una buena voz queda perfecto

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Aviso: Este fichero es trabajo propio de su transcriptor y representa su interpretación personal de la canción. El material contenido en esta página es para exclusivo uso privado, por lo que se prohibe su reproducción o retransmisión, así como su uso para fines comerciales.