Dreamers, Savoir Adore (tablatura)
Autor: franki9524 | 37442 visualizaciones
DREAMERS AUTOR: Savoir Adore ÁLBUM:Our Nature AÑO:2012 COMPOSITOR:Paul Hammer y Deirdre Muro Por Franklin P. Email por cualquier duda: franki.p199524@gmail.com Cuenca-Ecuador Esta es la primera canción que suboes una de mis banda favoritas y esta es una de sus mejores canciones así que disfrútenla Acordes 5° Fm Cm Ab Eb Bb e |---------|---------|---------|---------|--------| B |---------|---------|---------|---------|--------| G |-8---10--|-3---5---|---------|---------|--------| D |-8---10--|-3---5---|-4---6---|-6---8---|-6---8--| A |-8-------|-3-------|-4---6---|-6-------|-6---8--| E |---------|---------|-4-------|---------|-6------| Referencias /= slide ~= Vibrato x= nota muda es decir que no suena la nota solo pones el dedo sobre el traste sin presionarlo y ya esta no suena la nota br^= bending y release Intro 1° Guitarra e |----------------------------------| B |----------------------------------| G |--/7~~~-/10~~~-/8~~~-/5~~~--------| x4 D |----------------------------------| A |----------------------------------| E |----------------------------------| 2° Guitarra e |----------------------------------| B |----------------------------------| G |-------7-7---7-7----7---7---------| x8 D |--8-x8-----8------8---8-----------| A |----------------------------------| E |----------------------------------| Esto hace durante esta estrofa e |----------------------| B |------11x--11-11------| G |--10x-----------------| x14 D |----------------------| A |----------------------| E |----------------------| Won't you come here? You know the way, it's the one you made. Built it in the sky, all that's in your eye Now not the ...... same.Watch it tumble down, falling all around? around e |---10-10-10-10-10----11-11-11-11-11----| B |---11-11-------11----11-11-------11----| G |---10-10-------10----10-10-------10----| x2 D |---------------------------------------| A |---------------------------------------| E |---------------------------------------| e |---13-13-13-13-13-------| B |---11-11-------11-------| G |---10-10-------11-------| x4 D |------------------------| A |------------------------| E |------------------------| Can you stand Watching it undo all that's made of you? e |---10-10-10-10-10----11-11-11-11-11----| B |---11-11-------11----11-11-------11----| G |---10-10-------10----10-10-------10----| x2 D |---------------------------------------| A |---------------------------------------| E |---------------------------------------| e |---13-13-13-13-13-------| B |---11-11-------11-------| G |---10-10-------11-------| x4 D |------------------------| A |------------------------| E |------------------------| e |---13-13-13-13-13-13----| B |---11-11-11-11-11-11----| G |---10-10-10-10-10-10----| x2 D |------------------------| A |------------------------| E |------------------------| Coro 1° Guitarra e |----------------------| B |------11x--11-11------| G |--10x-----------------| x16 D |----------------------| A |----------------------| E |----------------------| 2° Guitarra: Se puede hacer los acordes del coro en acordes 5° Fm You can stay where you are. e |--------------| B |---9----------| G |---10---------| D |---10---------| A |---8----------| E |--------------| Cm I will wake you, I will wake you e |--------------| B |---8----------| G |---8----------| D |---10---------| A |---10---------| E |--------------| Eb Cm In the morning. In the morning e |-------------------------------| B |---------8----------------8----| G |---------8----------------8----| D |---------8----------------10---| A |---------10---------------10---| E |---------10--------------------| Fm You can stay where you are e |--------------| B |---9----------| G |---10---------| D |---10---------| A |---8----------| E |--------------| Cm So don't you worry. e |--------------| B |---8----------| G |---8----------| D |---10---------| A |---10---------| E |--------------| EbBb Don't you worry, keep on sleeping. e |-------------------------------| B |---------8----------------8----| G |---------8----------------8----| D |---------8----------------10---| A |---------10---------------10---| E |---------10--------------------| REPITE EL INTRO 1° Guitarra e |----------------------------------| B |----------------------------------| G |--/7~~~-/10~~~-/8~~~-/5~~~--------| x4 D |----------------------------------| A |----------------------------------| E |----------------------------------| 2° Guitarra e |----------------------------------| B |----------------------------------| G |-------7-7---7-7----7---7---------| x8 D |--8-x8-----8------8---8-----------| A |----------------------------------| E |----------------------------------| Repito lo mismo lo que hace en la 1° estrofa e |----------------------| B |------11x--11-11------| G |--10x-----------------| x14 D |----------------------| A |----------------------| E |----------------------| Now you see: what you thought was yours could never be had. Take a look around, try to understand that It's a.... game that you'll never hold onto very long long e |---10-10-10-10-10----11-11-11-11-11----| B |---11-11-------11----11-11-------11----| G |---10-10-------10----10-10-------10----| x2 D |---------------------------------------| A |---------------------------------------| E |---------------------------------------| e |---13-13-13-13-13-------| B |---11-11-------11-------| G |---10-10-------11-------| x4 D |------------------------| A |------------------------| E |------------------------| Where we are isn't just a place where everything remains. e |---10-10-10-10-10----11-11-11-11-11----| B |---11-11-------11----11-11-------11----| G |---10-10-------10----10-10-------10----| x2 D |---------------------------------------| A |---------------------------------------| E |---------------------------------------| e |---13-13-13-13-13-------| B |---11-11-------11-------| G |---10-10-------11-------| x4 D |------------------------| A |------------------------| E |------------------------| e |---13-13-13-13-13-13----| B |---11-11-11-11-11-11----| G |---10-10-10-10-10-10----| x2 D |------------------------| A |------------------------| E |------------------------| Coro 1° Guitarra e |----------------------| B |------11x--11-11------| G |--10x-----------------| x16 D |----------------------| A |----------------------| E |----------------------| 2° Guitarra hace esto durante el coro e|-11--11-11-11-15-15-15-15-16-16-16-16--11-11-11-11-15-15-15-15-| B|-----------------------------------------------| e|-16-16-16-16-13br^(15)11-11-11-11-15-15-15-15-16-16-16-16-18-18-18-18| B|------------------------------------------------- Fm You can stay where you are. Cm I will wake you, I will wake you Eb Cm In the morning. In the morning Fm You can stay where you are Cm So don't you worry. EbBb Don't you worry, keep on sleeping. Puente 1° Guitarra e |----------------------| B |------11x--11-11------| G |--10x-----------------| x26 D |----------------------| A |----------------------| E |----------------------| 2° Guitarra hace esas notas en acordes 5° FmEb You can stay where you are. BbFm You can stay where you are. Eb Bb You can stay where you are. FmEb You can stay where you are. BbFm You can stay where you are. Eb Bb You can stay where you are. Solo:Ab Eb Bb Tan solo escuchen cuánto dura cada nota 1° Guitarra e|-11--11-11-11-15-15-15-15-16-16-16-16--11-11-11-11-15-15-15-15-| B|-----------------------------------------------| e|-16-16-16-16-13br^(15)11-11-11-11-15-15-15-15-16-16-16-16-18-18-18-18| B|-----------------------------------------------| 2° Guitarra (puede hacer arpegios con los acordes del solo es opcional es una opinión mía para que se escuche mejor el solo porque original mente eso riff lo hace también el teclado y así todo la canción) e |----------------------| B |------11x--11-11------| G |--10x-----------------| x26 D |----------------------| A |----------------------| E |----------------------| Final 1° Guitarra esto repite 6 veces e |---10-10-10-10-10----11-11-11-11-11----| B |---11-11-------11----11-11-------11----| G |---10-10-------10----10-10-------10----| x2 D |---------------------------------------| A |---------------------------------------| E |---------------------------------------| e |---13-13-13-13-13-------| B |---11-11-------11-------| G |---10-10-------11-------| x4 D |------------------------| A |------------------------| E |------------------------| 1° Voz (Paul) Ab Now not the same. Eb Bb Watch it tumble down, falling all around. Ab Can you stand Eb Bb Watching it undo all that's made of you? Ooooooooooooooohhhhh 2° Voz (Deidre) //I will wake you, I will wake you In the mooooooooorning So don't you worry. Don't you worry, keep on sleeping.// Ambosooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh
Comentarios del colaborador: ¡que buena canción! los que quieren formar un banda como ellos y viven en cuenca y tienen el talento contáctenme y esta mi correo
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