Cum On Feel The Noise, Quiet Riot (tablatura)

Autor: -slsh-cj- | 35123 visualizaciones

las guitarras 1 y 2 con distorsion

Palm mute_________________________________________________

            And I     don't   know    why_____

 don't        know        why____
 don't        know        why____

(use the following chords during these lyrics)

G5                                         B5
  So   you   think   my   sing  -  ing's   out  of    time,____ it
  All  that  mat -  ters  when    you're   some  dis  -  grace I'm

makes   me_____    mon   -   ey.                           I
 in     no_____    hur   -   ry.                    And    I

A5           G5              D5
don't        know________    why,_______                   I
don't        know________    why,_______                   I

A5           G5              D5
don't        know________    why,_______       an - y - more,____
don't        know________    why,_______       an - y - more,____

Gtrs. 1 & 2                                        *T
                                            *T= thumb on 6th str.

                    Girls,  rock  your boys____      We'll get

 wild,  wild,  wild____                  wild,   wild,    wild____

                    Come on   feel   the noize._______

Girls,   rock   your boys.____    we'll get  wild    wild,

  wild,   ba  -  by,__________________________

                       come on!_____________         T

                                   Gtr.3 (dist.)
|                                                               |
|                                                               |
|                                                               |
| Gtrs. 1 & 2                    T                              |

Gtr. 3
Palm mute________________   


Gtrs. 1 & 2:


    1      1      1bend realease

    1      1      

    1      1                 


Palm mute________________   

    1                                                      1

        Well you think we have a la - zy    time,____   you
final del solo

 should know___ bet - ter.            I don't    know___ why.___

3ra guitarra                I don't  know___ why.___  

    So,   you   say   I   got   a   dirt - y   mind,___   I'm  a

  big___  go - get - ter            I   don't   know___   why___

                           I    don't      know___       why___



1ra, 2da, y 3ra igual

Cum on,  feel the  noize,___  Girls,  rock  your boys___ we'll get

Gtrs. 1 & 2
    wild,        wild,      wild,___    on,  feel  the  noize___

                         Girls,  rock   your boys,___   we'll get

Gtrs. 1 & 2 

 Wild,  wild,   wild     ba - by______________________________

 Come on,               feel    it.            Come on,

 Rock it.       We'll get     wild,    wild,    wild____

 wild,     wild,    wild___         Come on,  feel  the  noize___

 ---                   Girls,   rock  your  boys,      We'll get

 wild,    wild,     wild.



                               1                1bend release

                 1bend release                1    1       1br


                                           1bend release

                                          gtrs. 1&2 w/rhy


                                                        1bend rel.

                                                  FADE OUT

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