What Is Love?, Nevershoutnever (acordes)

Autor: Doors | 44624 visualizaciones


In a sitch like this you gotta think

And I don't think you think about the way he thinks
And I know you live life for yourself

But it all comes down to the way you help
I know your life is such a hell

You wake up early and you work until
You have your drinks at 5 o'clock

The hours  blend and thoughts all haunt
 F            G                Am
Your hopes, Your dreams, Your everything
              F        G                   Am
Well, mama, I hope, I dream that you won't leave

And I have a question:
What is love? What is love?
 G                  Am
Love - Is it giving up?
                 Dm       G         Am
Cause that's not how you raised me, Yeah
In a sitch like this you gotta think

And I don't think you think about the way she thinks
And I know you work hard everyday

But it all comes down to the way your paid
And I know you're oh so sorry dad

I truely believe that you're a better man
Than to share one kiss and walk away

From the love you come home everyday
     F           G                Am
Your hope, Your dream , Your everything
               F        G                   Am
Well, daddy, I hope, I dream that she won't leave

And I have a question:
What is love? What is love?
 G                  Am
Love - Is it giving up?
                 Dm       G         Am
Cause that's not how you raised me, Yeah
What is love? What is love?
 G                  Am
Love - See, I don't know anymore
          Dm      G       Am
I used to look up to that love

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