Big City Dreams, Nevershoutnever (acordes)
Autor: luisval45 | 37579 visualizaciones

You say we're both little people and you like it that way But in time I'm gunna put this body to shame [and grow old] Where a suit like my old man Pack up all my things and get my ass outt'a town C We've got it good Am7 Whether you like this town or not I know it's small but with a big head Fmaj7 it's bound to get hot In the summer But the summer is a bummer G If you can't leave This pathetic excuse for a town Fmaj7 That holds all your memories C A lifetime of crushes and your broken dreams D7 To be anywhere but here G [stop] But baby anywhere is away from me C And oooooooooooo.... C Am7 If you got it all figured out Fmaj7 Then what is there to shout about G This midwest town is gunna miss you C ooooooooooo...... C Am7 Just go ahead and work it out F But first come on and let it out G [stop] Scream it shout tell everbody how your gunna leave Solo [played over C Am7 F G] e|---------------------------------------------------------1/3----| B|--------1--0~---1/3--5b--5--3--1--0~---1/3--3b~--3/5-6b---------| G|----------------------------------------------------------------| D|----------------------------------------------------------------| A|-----2b---------------------------------------------------------| E|---3------------------------------------------------------------| C [let ring] In about one year you'll have it all figured out These big city dreams are what you're about Walking like stangers among these states Only time will tell how long I can wait C We've got it good Am7 Whether you like this town or not I know it's small but with a big head Fmaj7 it's bound to get hot In the summer But the summer is a bummer G If you can't leave This pathetic excuse for a town Fmaj7 That holds all your memories C A lifetime of crushes and your broken dreams D7 To be anywhere but here G [stop] But baby anywhere is away from me C And oooooooooooooooo C Am7 If you got it all figured out F Then what is there to shout about G This midwest town is gunna miss you C And ooooooooooooo C Am7 Just go ahead and work it out F But first come on and let it out G [stop] Scream it shout tell everbody how your gunna leave Fmaj7 C Me again oh so casually D7 G [stop] Did you take the hit for me or the hoooooome teeeeeaaaammmm *snap* :P And ooooooooooo If you got it all figured out Then what is there to shout about This midwest town is gunna miss you. END
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