Suedehead, Morrissey (acordes)

Autor: Erick12 | 33943 visualizaciones


Intro: La  Sim  Sol  Re  La  Sim  Sol  Re 
         Mi  Mi4  Mi  Mi9 Mi  Mi4 

Mi    Mi9        Re       Re4  Re  Re9 Re  Re4  Re  Re9 
Why do you come here 
Mi  Mi4  Mi  Mi9 Mi  Mi4 
Mi    Mi9       Re         Re4  Re  Re9 Re  Re4  Re  Re9 
why do you hang around 
Fa#m Mi  Re     Mi Re 
I'm   so sorry, I.... 
Fa#m Mi  Re 
I'm   so sorry 
La               Sim 
Why do you come here 
when you know it makes 
things hard for me 
when you know, 
 Sim              Sol      Re  Mi  Mi4  Mi  Mi9 Mi  Mi4 
Oh, why do you come? 
Mi      Mi9     Re        Re4  Re  Re9 Re  Re4  Re  Re9 
Why do you telephone? 
    Mi    Mi4  Mi  Mi9 Mi  Mi4 
and why... 
Mi       Mi9  Re        Re4  Re  Re9 Re  Re4  Re  Re9 
   send me silly notes? 
Fa#m Mi  Re     Mi Re 
I'm   so sorry, I.... 
Fa#m Mi  Re 
I'm   so sorry 
La                Sim 
Why do you come here 
when you know it makes 
things hard for me 
when you know, 
  Sim              Sol      Re 
Oh, why do you come? 

Mi  Mi4  Mi  Mi9 Mi  Mi4 

Mi             Mi9        Re       Re4 
  You had to sneak into my room 
Re     Re9         Re     Re4  Re  Re9 
'just' to read my diary 
 Mi        Mi4   Mi             Mi9 
was it just to see, just to see 
Mi       Mi4            Mi 
All the things you knew 
 Mi9         Re              Re4 
I'd written about you? 
Re  Re9       Re      Re4 Re         Re9 many illustrations of it 
Fa#m Mi     Re             Mi   Re 
I'm   so very sickened, Ohh.. 
Fa#m Mi             Re 
I Am so sickened now 
   La                     Sim 
It was good lay, good lay 
     Sol                    Re 
It was a good lay, good lay 
      La                   Sim 
Oh, it was good lay good lay. 
     Sol   Re 
Oh, oh.. 
    La                   Sim 
It was good lay, good lay 
    Sol                     Re 
It was a good lay, good lay 
       La                   Sim 
Oh, it was good lay good lay. 
     Sol   Re  La 
Oh, oh..

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Más versiones de Suedehead, Morrissey
Suedehead (ver 2)
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