Tueday's Gone, Lynyrd Skynyrd (tablatura)

Autor: anthony25 | 26284 visualizaciones

`		bend up 
^		bend up and down 			
/ 		legato slide up
\		legato slide down 	
>		hammer-on
<		pull-off	

	(guitar 1, electric)								    
||	(guitar 2, acoustic) 		                              	     	     	      |
||	(guitar 3, electric)								      |

	(guitar 3 cont.)
|	(guitar 2)								             ||
| 	(guitar 1)						 	   	             ||

	(guitar 3)
||	(guitar 2)                        			                             ||
|| 	(guitar 1)						 	                     ||

Train  roll  on,  on  down the line, Won't you please take me far away?

	(guitar 3)
||	(guitar 2)									     ||
|| 	(guitar 1)						 	                     ||

Now i feel the wind blow, outside my door, I'm leaving my woman at home

CHORUS: (basically i showed where the chords change)
	(guitar 3)
||	(guitar 2)									     ||
|| 	(guitar 1)						 	            	     ||

  Tuesdays    gone   with  the    wind, 	    My   babys   gone   with    the    wind

	(guitar 3)
||	(guitar 2)									     ||
|| 	(guitar 1)						 	            	     ||

VERSE 2: (same as verse 1)

And I don't know, where i'm going, I just want to be left alone

Well when this train ends, I'll try again, but i'm leaving my woman at home

CHORUS: (same idea behind other chorus)

A		G		D    A		G		D
Tuesdays gone with the wind, Tuesdays gone with the wind

A		G		D    A		E	  	D 
Tuesdays gone with the wind, My baby's gone with the wind


Piano does it's thing

VERSE 3: (same as other verses)

Train roll on, many miles from my home, See I'm riding my blues away

Tuesday you see, she had to be free, but somehow i've got to carry on

CHORUS: (same as other chorus)

A		G		D    A		G		D
Tuesdays gone with the wind, Tuesdays gone with the wind

A		G		D    A		E	  	D 
Tuesdays gone with the wind, My baby's gone with the wind

SOLO/OUTRO: (guitar 3)




							   v this part is gradually fading out v

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