Sweet Home Alabama, Lynyrd Skynyrd (tablatura)

Autor: diegol.messi | 28284 visualizaciones

Gtr. 1     measure 1  Section A
                                spoken "turn it up!"      
     D          Csus2              G  
                pm                 pm          po     po     po 

Gtr. 2     measure 1
                                                          ss s s

Gtr. 1     measure 3
                                            pm                 pm          po    po      

Gtr. 2     measure 3

  |--legato phrasing--------------|~~~~~~vibrato~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

Gtr. 1     measure 5
   D                              G
                   pm                          po    po    po

Gtr. 2     measure 5
 Riff A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  
   let ring---|     let ring---|  let ring---------------------|
                                               ls         t

Gtr. 1     measure 7
   D                              G
                   pm                          ls    

Gtr. 2     measure 7
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Riff A ends++|
   let ring---|     let ring---|                        
|-------------------------Gtr. 1     measure 9   Section B (Verses begin here and so does D.S.) 
 1.Big   wheels    keep   on    turnin'	    
 2.Well I heard Mister Young sing about her
 3.In Birmingham they  love the govnor'           boo     hoo
 4.Now muscle shoals has got the swamp us
    D            Csus2             G          po            po

Gtr. 2     measures 9-15 follows Riff A (played 2 times)

Gtr. 1     measure 11
 Carry me home  to  see my  kin
 Well I heard old Neil put 'er down
 hoo Now we all did what we could   do
 An' they been known to pick a song or two
   D             Cadd2              G

Gtr. 1     measure 13
 Singin' songs about the southland
 Well I hope Neil Young will remember
 Now Watergate  does   not   bother    me
 Lord they get me off  so    much
  D             Csus2               G

Gtr. 1     measure 15
 I miss ole 'Bamee once again       I think it's   a sin  yes
 A southern man don't need him
 Does your conscience bother you
 They pick me up when I'm feelin' blue
   D            Cadd2               G

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Sweet Home Alabama
Sweet Home Alabama
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