Dust In The Wind, Kansas (acordes) (ver 3)
Autor: venanciomiki | 48789 visualizaciones

ESTA CANCION LA SAQUE YO. HE VISTO OTRAS VERSIONES PERO ESTA ME PARECE QUE ES MAS FACIL. USAR LA C9 QUE SALE EN ESTE VIDEO: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=NggF9RzA8p0 . SI SACAN UNA COMBINACION DE ACORDES QUE SUENE MEJOR EN LA PARTE DEL CORO PONGAN CUAL ES SU COMENTARIO, PORQUE ESTA ES SOLO MI VERSION. C C9 Asus2 G Dm7 Am I close my eyes only for a moment and the moment's gone C C9 Asus2 G Dm7 Am All my dreams pass before my eyes are curi - osity C Asus2 Dust in the wind G Am All they are is dust in the wind C C9 Asus2 G Dm7 Am Same old song just a drop of water in an endless sea C C9 Asus2 G Dm7 Am All we do crumbles to the ground though we re - fuse to see C Asus2 Dust in the wind G Am All they are is dust in the wind C C9 Asus2 G Dm7 Am Don't hang on Nothing lasts for - ever but the earth and sky C C9 Asus2 G Dm7 Am Slips a - way And all your money won't another minute buy C Asus2 Dust in the wind G Am All they are is dust in the wind C Asus2 Dust in the wind G Am All they are is dust in the wind ...
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