Stone Free, Jimi Hendrix (tablatura)

Autor: odilon | 23021 visualizaciones

I've been looking for this tab for along time and no one was
posting anything so I decided to tab it out myself

This song is in E, in standard tuning 
(Hendrix liked to tune down 1/2 step, but not in this case). 
Tab hints
h- Hammer On
p-pull off 
v-vibrato with wammy bar



-7-7------------------------------------|-6-6-----------------5--7--7b 7br 5--


---------7-5-7b-5-|---------7--5--7b-5-|------- 7--5--7b--5-|-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-



--------------------|-------10-8--- 7---7-5- 7-5--7-5---------------------------



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