Flight Of Icarus, Iron Maiden (tablatura)

Autor: napm | 25423 visualizaciones

  A    E    F#m

     LET RING        [2nd Verse-hold chord position]
   As the sun...

                       A    E
|----------------------7----2-LET RING----------------------------|
   Stands on the Hill

   A    F#m
        A bird song shatters the still

   F#(m)            Ab+5 (E/Ab)     A             B    C#
   His eyes seem so glazed, see the madman in his gaze

I'll try and show the idea of the chorus, listen for the
strumming and chord slides. At the end go back to strumming
the F# power chord as in the intro.

   F#m          E            D C# D                        E
   Fly, on your way, like an eagle,            fly as high as the
   Sun, on your way, like an eagle,            fly as high as the

   F#m                 A    E    F#m

   A    E                       A    E    F#m

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