Civil War, Guns N´ Roses (tablatura) (ver 2)

Autor: colonavaja | 35484 visualizaciones

afinacion: dowm 1 step

un tremendo tema

 Rhy.Fig 1                          G

 Em                      G

 Riff A
 Em                G                   Em                   G
|                                                                          ||

 1st verso
 w/Rhy.fig 1(3 times)
 Em      (end Riff A) G

 w/Riff A
 Em                     G                        Em     

 G           D/F#             G        Em       G  D/F#

 A5                                     A5#4 A5

 Rfy.Fig 2
 E5      G      D/F# E5          G       D  E G F# E5

 G            E5              G        D         

		     w/Rhy Fig. 2

 G        D/F# E5                              G     

 E5                           G

				      Rhy. Fig. 3
 E5                          G   D    G

 Em                           G            Bm(b6)

				    w/Rhy Fig. 3
 Em              C            D     G           Bm(b6)

 Em                             G             Bm(b6)

 Em                  C          D        G5         B5          A
					 I dont need your civil war

 E5       G5                B5                    A   E5    C  D
	  It feeds the rich while it burries the poor.

G5             B5                        E5                      E    E5
 Your power hungry selling soldiers in a human grocry store aint that fresh

G5           B5          a E5    C     D
 I dont need your civil war.   oo no no no no

 Guitar solo
 G              B5              E5

 G            B5             E5            C           D

 G             B5                 E5

 G                       B5   

							3rd verse
							w/Rhy Fig 1(2 times)
 E5                             C         D             E5
							Look at the ..
 G                                 Em
 Look at the blood we're spilling  Look at the world we're killing the

 G                 D/f#
 way we're always done before

 Em               G                          G               D/F#
					     I dont want to hear no more

					  4th verse
					  w/Rhy Figs 2 & 2A
 A5              A5#4  A5                 E5
		       My hands are tied.           For

G                                      D/F#
all I've seen has changed my mind, but still the 

wars go on as the as the years go by with no 

G              D         E G F#    E5
love of God or human rights. Cause all these dreams are swept aside by
G                                  E5
bloody hands of the hypnotized who carry the cross of homicide.  And

G                      D
hist'ry bears the scars of our civil wars. 

					w/Rhy Fig. 2

 G                           D/F#       E5

 G           D E G F# E5                           G

 E5                         G       D     A5            B/A            Am
|                                                                        |

				 F/A                Am            C5                            
|                                                                        |

			   Rhy Fig. 4
 E5           C     D      G            B5              E5
  no no no no no no no no  no    I dont need your civil war!

       D  G           B5              E5           C    D
	       I dont need your civil war

G             B5                         E5
   Your power hungry selling soldiers in a human grocry store, aint that fresh!

					(end Rhy Fig 4) 
G              B5              B5                       C       D
	I dont need your civil war, no no no no no no no no no no ah

 W/Rhy Fig 4
 G                                  B5



				   G                               B5


	C                  D


			    G             B5                        E5

			      C           D





RiffA            B



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Aviso: Este fichero es trabajo propio de su transcriptor y representa su interpretación personal de la canción. El material contenido en esta página es para exclusivo uso privado, por lo que se prohibe su reproducción o retransmisión, así como su uso para fines comerciales.
Más versiones de Civil War, Guns N´ Roses
Civil War
Civil War (ver 2)
Civil War (ver 3)
Civil War
Civil War (ver 2)
Civil War (ver 3)
Civil War (ver 4)
Civil War (ver 5)
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