After Life Of The Party, Fall Out Boy (acordes)

Autor: luisrocker | 38615 visualizaciones

Chords used:
(F) -   133211
(C) -   x32010
(Am) -  x02210
(Bb) -  x13331
F/A - x032xx
C/E - 032xxx
(Gm) -  355333
(Dm) -  xx0231

Intro: (F) [x4]

(F)                       (Dm)  
I'm a stitch away, from making it
       (Bb)                         (F)      C/E  
And a sca---r away, from falling apart, apart 
F/A                          (Gm)
Blood cells pixelate and the eyes dilate 
        (Bb)                                 (F)        C/E
And the full moon pills got me Out on the street at night 

       (Bb)        (F)                  (C)
Cut it loo---se, Watch you work the room 
[Repeat 4 times] 

Interlude: (F)

Verse 2:
(F)                         (Dm)
  Put love on hold, young hollywood 
   (Bb)                 (F)-C/E
Is on the other li----ne
    F/A                        (Gm)
Her nose runs ruby red, Deaths in a double bed 
        (Bb)                                         (F)        C/E
Singin' songs that could only Catch the ear of the desperate 

[Repeat Chorus and interlude]

Verse 3: Different tune compared to verse 1
(F)                       (Dm)
I'm a stitch away, from making it
       (Bb)                      (F)      C/E    
And a scar away, from falling apart, apart
F/A                       (Gm)
Blood cells pixelate, and eyes dilate
      (Bb)                                         (Bb)         C/E
Kiss away young thriills and kills On the mouths of, all my friends 

[Repeat Chorus singing a higher voice]

end on (F)

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Más versiones de After Life Of The Party, Fall Out Boy
After Life Of The Party
After Life Of The Party (ver 2)
After Life Of The Party
After Life Of The Party
Descubre más canciones de Fall Out Boy