Change The World, Eric Clapton (acordes)

Autor: santyand | 50576 visualizaciones


Intro: Mi Fa#m Sol     Sol Fa# Mi     Mi Fa#m Sol     Sol  Fa#m  Si7sus4

Mi          Mi6        Mi7     Mi7       Mi6       Mi 
If I could reach the stars, pull one down for you.
Mi       Mi6    Mi7     Mi7           Mi6      Mi 
Shinin' on my heart, so you could see the truth.
La         La6          La7      La7      La6    La 
Then this love I have inside, is everything it seems
Mi       Mi6    Mi7    Mi7       Mi6    Sol#7
But for now I find, its only in my dreams
          Fa#m7 Sol#7    Do#m     Fa#m            Sol#7              Do#m
And I can change  the world.  I would be the sunlight in your universe
Fa#m7                Sol#7             Do#m7 Dom7   Sim7
You would think our love was really some-thing good
     La    Mi/Sol#   Sol#m Solm Fa#m[6 beats] Mi 
Baby if I could, change......       the world

Mi   Mi6   Mi7   Mi7  Mi6   Mi 

Mi    Mi6       Mi7     Mi7   Mi6    Mi 
If I could be king,  even for a day.
Mi            Mi6    Mi7      Mi7          Mi6       Mi 
I'd take you as my queen.  I'd have it no other way.
Sol# La       La6         La7         La7      La6      La 
   And our love would rule, this kingdom we have made.
Mi             Mi6   Mi7    Mi7     Mi6      Sol#7
Till then I'd be a fool, wishin for the day...
          Fa#m Sol#7    Do#m     Fa#m            Sol#7              Do#m
And I can change the world.  I would be the sunlight in your universe
Fa#m                 Sol#7             Do#m7 Dom7   Sim7
You would think our love was really some-thing good
     La7   Mi/Sol#   Sol#m Solm Fa#m[2 Beats]Mi[4 beats]
Baby if I could, change         the world
     La7   Mi/Sol#   Sol#m Solm Fa#m  [6beats] Mi 
Baby if I could, change.............  the world

Break around verse chords

      Fa#m    Sol#7 Do#m     Fa#m            Sol#7              Do#m
I can change the world.  I would be the sunlight in your universe
Fa#m                 Sol#7             Do#m7 Dom7   Sim7
You would think our love was really some-thing good
     La7   Mi/Sol#   Sol#m    Solm  Fa#m
Baby if I could, change the world
     La7   Mi/Sol#   Sol#m    Solm  Fa#m
Baby if I could, change the world
     La7   Mi/Sol#   Sol#m Solm Fa#m 4beats     Sol 
Baby if I could, change     . . . .         the World

Mi   Mi6   Mi7      Mi7   Fa#m7   Mi 

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