Far Behind, Eddie Vedder (acordes)

Autor: veddier | 45179 visualizaciones

INTRO -	E(Run)

E					E
Take leave	The Conscious mind	Found myself.....to be so inclined
E					E
Why–I   sleep in discontent?		Oh the price of companionship

G#	          C#			     F#		         A
Ahhhh my shadow runs with me		Underneath the big wide sun
G#	   C#				       F#                 A
My shadow comes with me			as we leave it all...we leave it all
Far Be-	hind

	E				E
Ahhhh empty pockets will 		allow a great sense of wealth
E					E
Why contain yourself			Like any other book on the shelf

	G#	C#m			      F#		A
Ahhhh my shadow lays with me		Underneath the big wide sun
G#	C#m				      F#		  A
My shadow sleeps with me		as we leave it all...we leave it all
Far Be-	hind

(Finger Picked)
A	B		A			  B             A
Subtle voices in the wind		Hear the truth they’re telling
A	B		      A		           B	       E
A road begins where the road ends	Watch me leave it all behind
Far Be-	hind
All Behind

Hail Hail!

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