Hotel California, Eagles (bajo) (ver 2)

Autor: starlatin1 | 23682 visualizaciones

Hotel California bass tab
Hotel California, EAGLES
Music and Lyrics by : Don Felder, Glen Frey & Don Henley

Thanks to the French magazine "Guitar Part" and thanks to my ears,
I wrote this tab which is actually MY version -as I play it-.
Any suggestion is welcome ; write to
	Fabien HADDADI, November 1995

(I didn't bother myself with the time...Listen to the C.D !) :-)

Symbols :  g : ghost
	  2/5: slide from 2 up 5
           \ : slide down to... from nowhere
	   b : bend 
        (lr) : let ring		 

INTRO (play 2 times)

G  ||----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
D 4||----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
A 4||----------------|9---------------|----------------|7---------------|
E  ||7---------------|----------------|5---------------|----------------|

								drum + +
(play two verses)

drum +       +       +       +        +       +       +       +             	


				     >first time		      <

    >second time               

CHORUS I (two times)


Comentarios del colaborador: linea de bajo

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