Pour Some Sugar On Me, Def Leppard (tablatura)

Autor: sco_van_ac/ | 39154 visualizaciones


						    V- fade in with volume.


.. you're man..

repeat the above figure 8 times during verse. for second verse add this

--------	Flick the volume switch on and off while playing this.
--------	you'll need to hear the song to get te exact rhythem for the 
----9---	switch. During the lyric "Sweet dream..." do not do the volume
----9---	switch trick, but do a slow dive w/ the bar. 

	Then at " squeeze a little..." play this

 |------------------------------------------------------------------| palm mute



			  |------------------------------| repeat 3 times

for second chorus, add:


after the second chorus, they're just using some noise made up of some 
feedback, and lots of whammy bar on a touch harmonic on the fourth fret of
the A string.


  |-----|-- fade in w/ volume


		       |--------------------------------|-- repeat during"Do
							    take sugar?"
							|--- w/ bar

end solo






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