Fix You, Coldplay (acordes) (ver 2)

Autor: ChatoxUuU | 20411 visualizaciones


es mi primer cancion sean tolerantes 

Eb                     Gm                La#
when you try your best but you dont succeed
Eb                     Gm                    La#
when you get what you want but not what you need
Eb                     Gm                La#                
when you feel so tired but you can´t sleep          
Eb       Gm     zz
stuck in reve-erse                          zz: 336653                                        

Eb                  Gm                La#
and the tears come stream down your face
Eb                   Gm                La#
when you los something you cannot replace
Eb                  Gm                La#
when you love some one but it goes to waste
Eb          Gm    zz
would it be wo-orse?

Gm          xab        Eb
lights will guide you home             Xab: xx32xx                              
Gm    xab          Eb
and ig-nite your bones
Gm       xab         Eb
and i will try to fix you 

Eb          Gm              La#
and high up above or down below
Eb             Gm                La#
when you are to in love to let it go
Eb            Gm                La#
if you never tri you´ll never now
Eb          Gm     zz
just what youre wo-rth



Eb                Gm  
Tears stream,    down your face
La#            Gm                 zz
When you lose something you cannot replace                         
Eb            Gm  
Tears stream down your face
And I.........

Eb                Gm  
Tears stream,    down your face
La#            Gm                     zz                 
I promise you that I'll learn from my mistakes
Eb           Gm  	
Tears stream down your face
And I.........

Gm            xab        Eb
Lights will gu - ide you home
Gm      xab          Eb
And ig - nite your bones
Gm         xab       Eb
And I will try to fix you

bueno puse otros nombres sq no me acordaba de los acordes ojala las proximas me salgan mejor si se puede corrreegir diganlo por q toco guitarra desde ace poco

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Más versiones de Fix You, Coldplay
Fix You
Fix You (ver 2)
Fix You (ver 3)
Fix You
Fix You
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