Verte Así No Me Hace Bien, Boom Boom Kid (acordes)

Autor: Anónimo | 16116 visualizaciones


D                     A
Its not funny see the way you took to live
 D                     A
Its not funny see the way you took to live
Money change every thing
and you know what I mean
        Em                          G
money change every thing  and you knooow

 D                     A
Its not funny see the way you took to live
 D                     A
Its not funny see the way you took to live
Fama change every thing
and you know what I mean
       Em                          G
fama change every thing  and you knooow

Silbido: D A  D A

Money change every thing
and you know what I mean
        Em                          G      D
money change every thing  and you knooow

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Verte Así No Me Hace Bien
Verte Así No Me Hace Bien (ver 2)
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