She Runaway, Boom Boom Kid (acordes)

Autor: Anónimo | 23508 visualizaciones



con la intro comienza la primera estrofa.

Intro:    A------------------00000000-------

She runaway, away from nothing,
Escaping of his 'nothing town'
Nothing town is here.

E                          F#
All they here, until your boyfriend
Told you’re not older
You got seventeen

She runaway, she was like fighter.
She gonna be mother
A real big one

          She need run, run, run [2ª guitarra con: E A D]
Estr         F#
         oh! Run, run, run,
             A                         E
         Oh! Run, run, run.. away from here!!

She runaway, away from nothing
Escaping of his 'nothing town'
Nothing town is here

She runaway, she was like a fighter
She gonna be mother
A real big one.


She runaway, away from nothing
Run out his empty town
Called family!

[termina con estribillo]

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