This Is The Life, Amy Macdonald (acordes) (ver 2)

Autor: dende77 | 34651 visualizaciones


Esta cancion repite los acordes siempre, hasta en el estribillo. Podeis tocarla con notas [Lam + Fa + Do + Mim] o la cancion original se toca con
quintas[acordes de Fa en diferentes trastes, como "sol" es el 3º traste y "la" el 5º traste]Entonces si la vais a tocar con quintas debeis seguir el esquema: 
 Do#m  +  La +  Mi +  Sol#  ¿Ok?

[Do#-->4ºtraste,5ªcuerda.La-->5ºtraste,6ªcuerda.Mi-->traste al aire, 6ªcuerda. Sol#-->4ºtraste,6ªcuerda]

Oh the wind whistles down
The cold dark street tonight  
And the people they were dancing  
To the music vibe

And the boys chase the girls, with curls in their hair  
While the shocked too many sit way over there  
And the songs get louder each one better than before

And you singing the song thinking this is the life  
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size  
where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?  
And you singing the song thinking this is the life  
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the sizxe  
Where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?  
Where you gonna sleep tonight

So you?re heading down the road in your taxi for 4  
And you?re waiting outside jimmy?s front door  
But nobody?s in and nobody?s home till 4  
So you?re sitting there with nothing to do  
And where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?

And you singing the song thinking this is the life  
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size  
Oh where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?  
And you singing the song thinking this is the life  
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size  
Where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?  
Where you gonna sleep tonight

And you singing the song thinking this is the life  
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size  
Oh where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?  
And you singing the song thinking this is the life  
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size  
where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?

Where you gonna sleep tonight? 

[Punteo de guitarra de la canción]

[Un punteo que hace el violin creo]

Saludos, tocar la cancion con los acorde y el punteo, si teneis alguna duda comentar en la cancion gracias

Comentarios del colaborador: La letra es sacada de un compañero de tus acordes JermaX, un saludo

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Aviso: Este fichero es trabajo propio de su transcriptor y representa su interpretación personal de la canción. El material contenido en esta página es para exclusivo uso privado, por lo que se prohibe su reproducción o retransmisión, así como su uso para fines comerciales.
Más versiones de This Is The Life, Amy Macdonald
This Is The Life
This Is The Life (ver 2)
Descubre más canciones de Amy Macdonald