The Unknown Soldier, The Doors (acordes)

Autor: roby | 41407 visualizaciones



Wait until the war is over 
And we're both a little older 
The unknown soldier 
Breakfast where the news is read 
Television children fed 
Unborn, living 
Living, dead 
Fa      Do           Re        Lam    Fa   Do   Re 
Bullet strikes the helmet's head 
Lam                       Sol 
And it's all over for the unknown soldier 
La                    Sol                   Lam 
It's all over for the unknown soldier uh uh 
"Company, halt!" 
"Present Arms!" 
Make a grave for the unknown soldier 
Nestled in your hollow shoulder 
The unknown soldier 
Breakfast where the news is read 
Television children fed 
Unborn, living 
Living, dead 
Bullet strikes the helmet's head 
It's all over 
The war is over 
It's all over 
The war is over 
It's all over, baby, 
All over! 

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